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"More than half of the baskets documented will be become historical relics once this generation of artisans are gone.”

Determined to prevent the traditional weaving skills of her homeland being lost forever, Jennifer P. Linggi spent many years visiting the kampungs (villages) of Sabah, formerly North Borneo. During this time she studied the lifestyles of the various communities, learning in the process the extent to which their handmade crafts reflect their everyday preoccupations and collective values. The amazing artistry that has been practiced in the kampungs for centuries is impressively captured in the numerous vivid illustrations and anecdotes in the pages of this book.

A book that manages to be both delightful – containing finely rendered drawings by the author herself – and informative, The Kampung Legacy: A Journal of North Borneo’s Traditional Baskets is an essential reference guide for historians, artisans, designers, academicians, artists and craft enthusiasts.


(Readers’ reviews)

Jennifer P. Linggi’s book is comprehensive, informative and beautiful! It is also unique because she writes from first hand interaction with the weavers of the baskets and the people who use them. Her drawings are stunning! Her illustrations of baskets are more informative than photographs. The Kampung Legacy is a blue print for a book about baskets, their use and the people who weave them.


(JILL GREEN – basket maker and volunteer at the Ethnology department of the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA)




“This book has soul!” (JEVYONNA JAIS - culture enthusiast, Sabah)

*The Kampung Legacy Book





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    @ Borneo Cultures Museum

    1st Floor, Jalan P. Ramlee,

    93400 Kuching,

    Sarawak, Malaysia

    The Ranee Artisan Gallery

    @ The Marian Boutique Lodging House

    27 Wayang Street
    93000 Kuching,

    Sarawak, Malaysia

    The Ranee Artisan Gallery

    @ The Ranee Boutique Suites

    6 & 7 Main Bazaar
    93000 Kuching,

    Sarawak, Malaysia

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